
Technical University of Mombasa Enterprises Limited (TUMEL) is a registered Limited Liability Company wholly owned by Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) and operates within the provisions of the Company Act, chapter 486 of the laws of Kenya. TUMEL brings together a team of experts from different fields, with the aim of being a one stop shop for different consultancy services.

Strategic Objectives

  • Generate income
  • Promote and engage in knowledge-based business activities for the benefit of TUM and other stakeholders.
  • Promote and coordinate income generating activities within the organization.
  • Develop an institution of excellence in training, entrepreneurship, research, consultancy, community service, among other services and products, with emphasis on technology and its development, impact and application to society.
  • Participate in commercial ventures and activities that promote the objectives of the University.
  • Develop and provide educational, cultural, professional, technical and vocational services to community and in particular the fostering of corporate social responsibility.
  • Commercialize research products and transfer technology


The champion in business support solutions


To provide quality services and products to our customers in an environmentally sustainable manner

TUMEL Guiding Principles

At TUMEL our services solve problems in the most practical manner possible. Our aim is to offer professional independent services aimed at ensuring that our client adopts measures and practices that are not only cost effective, but that will also ensure sustainability and profitability of their ventures, in addition to being in compliance with the various laws and regulations governing the relevant aspects in the country. Our services are fair, competent and professional, because at TUMEL our clients are close to our hearts.